Tuesday, July 24, 2012

SMA 49, Day 3

Day 3

SMA is the designation for a high school in Indonesia. We visited a local pilot school that is using global education with their nationally required curriculum. The students and staff were wonderful and excited to talk with us. There are 11 American teachers traveling with the program.  We were able to meet with the Indonesian teachers that taught our same subjects.

Indonesia has free schools available for all students while they are in middle school. After that many but not all, schools charge a fee for students to be able to attend. The school still receives government support but the funds are not sufficient to operate a school. Indonesia recently increased the federal budget for education to 20% and plans to offer free education for all students.

The students are the same as American students in many ways, from facebook, Twitter, music, (they all know the Hanson Brothers), and Skype, right down to their shoes.

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